Exploring the pros and cons of online courses for physiotherapists — a theoretical study
physiotherapy, online education, synchronous learning, asynchronous learning, blended learningAbstract
Physiotherapy, as a constantly evolving discipline, requires professionals to continually update their knowledge base to enhance patient care. To facilitate this growth, lifelong learning through supplementary educational courses plays a crucial role. The flexible online education has opened new opportunities for adult learners, including physiotherapists, to pursue further education while managing their daily commitments. This paper examines the conceptual framework of online learning in the context of physiotherapy education. It explores the advantages and disadvantages of online courses compared to traditional classroom methods. Online education is classified into three primary types: synchronous, asynchronous, and blended or hybrid courses. Synchronous courses involve real-time interaction with teachers, while asynchronous courses allow learners to access materials at their own convenience. Blended or hybrid courses combine online learning with face-to-face instruction. Advantages of online courses include accessibility, flexibility, cost-effectiveness, diverse learning resources, and the opportunity to build a global professional network. On the other hand, online courses lack continuous communication and interaction between teachers and learners, potentially hindering the learning experience. Learners must possess strong digital skills and self-study capabilities to succeed in online education.
The study concludes that the choice between traditional and online education depends on specific course objectives and participant expectations. Regardless of the mode of education, the active participation and engagement of learners are crucial for professional success. As the field of physiotherapy education continues to evolve, ongoing research and innovation are vital to improve the overall learning experience and ensure optimal outcomes for lifelong learners in the healthcare field.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Andrea Lukács, Nóra Simon, Dóra Kiss-Kondás, Tünde Lebenszkyné Szabó, Mehtap Kiklicoz Bak, Marta Bibro, Büşra Göz, Demet Bicki, Fatma Dilara Akar, Sabiha İrem Sancaktar, Sevgi Pehlivan, Teresa Gniewek, Joanna Golec, Agnieszka Jankowicz-Szymańska, Marika Kiviluona-Ylitalo, Agnieszka Kreska-Korus, Manuel Lillo-Crespo, Agata Milert, Gökhan Özkoca, Jasmina Policnik, Beatriz Sibaja Terán, Eliza Smoła, Anna Stefanowicz-Kocoł, Johanna Vana-Jaakkola, Patricia Verdú Rodríguez, Katarzyna Wódka, Özge Mine Yilm, Duygu Yilmaz

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