Characteristics of selected therapeutic methods used in the aquatic environment
water therapy, Ai Chi, Halliwick, Bad Ragaz Ring Method, WatsuAbstract
The aquatic environment, thanks to its unique physical properties, has wide application in comprehensive rehabilitation for patients with a variety of disabilities. Exercise in the aquatic environment use the specific properties of water, such as the ability to maintain the surface of the water, buoyancy, viscosity of water, the hydrostatic pressure of the water, and others. The main feature of the therapist working in water is posture allows the patient gain confidence and giving it an aura of relaxation and security. Water treatment methods include: method of Ai Chi, Halliwick, Bad Ragaz Ring Method, Watsu. The main objective of this paper is to present the special methods used in the aquatic environment. Water, due to its characteristics is applicable both in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of many diseases. The benefits of exercise in this specific environment, make the availability of certified therapists, as well as various types of „water therapy” cause that they enjoy increasing popularity.
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