Vol. 4 No. 3 (2017): Tarnow Scientific Colloquia: Technical and exact sciences

The volume, created as a result of cooperation between the Polytechnic Institute and the Institute of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, initiating the third series, next to the humanities and health and physical culture sciences, confirms the scale and non-accidental nature of this undertaking. At the same time, it dispels all doubts as to the scientific potential, determination and organizational skills of the PWSZ staff in Tarnów.
The hard work of many people contributes to our success and the list goes on. The name of the writer of these words is at the end of this list, however, it is his privileges and duties to identify those who deserve special mention. In this case, they are undoubtedly the thematic editors of the volume initiating the series of technical and exact sciences - Sebastian Bielecki. PhD and Rafał Kurczab, PhD.