Permanent magnet brushless DC machines (PMBLDC) for general purpose – part II, results of laboratory measurements


  • Tomasz Kołacz State Higher Vocational School in Tarnow, Poland
  • Krzysztof Madura State Higher Vocational School in Tarnow, Poland
  • Jerzy Skwarczyński State Higher Vocational School in Tarnow, Poland
  • Dominik Zabawa State Higher Vocational School in Tarnow, Poland



silniki PMBLDC ogólnego zastosowania, specyfika konstrukcji, warunki powstawania momentu, pomiar momentu elektromagnetycznego


The paper presents research on properties of the low power PMBLDC motor, designed to drive a bicycle. In the first part of the study the conditions of the torque generation were analyzed. The purpose of the article is to provide new information about PMBLDC motors and their properties. In the first part of the article the motor construction and torque generation in it were studied. Also the methodology of analysis were presented. The second part of the article will treat on the measurements and calculations of EMF, currents, voltages, and electromagnetic torque.


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Przebiegi napięcia i prądu zasilanego uzwojenia wybranej fazy oraz sygnału z hallotronu przy wolnym obracaniu wirnika



How to Cite

Kołacz, T., Madura, K., Skwarczyński, J., & Zabawa, D. (2018). Permanent magnet brushless DC machines (PMBLDC) for general purpose – part II, results of laboratory measurements . Science, Technology and Innovation, 3(2), 52–57.



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