"Fresh look" at physical education


  • Józef Węglarz State Higher Vocational School in Tarnow, Institute of Health Sciences, Poland




contents of teaching and education, educational expectations


Any rational, goal-oriented activity should be based on the thought what the simplest way to this goal is. A variety of guidelines, mostly from decision makers showing their expectations, are helpful in attaining these objectives. In school contexts, these guidelines are covered in a curriculum which defines the competencies which should be achieved at a specific stage of education. Nowadays, such a curriculum is a basis for teachers and students to create their own original programmes addressing specific requirements which can be accomplished under specific school conditions. It is important that this basis takes into account the expectations of the environment which creates and implements the process.


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How to Cite

Węglarz, J. (2018). "Fresh look" at physical education. Health Promotion & Physical Activity, 2(1), 23–26 (27. https://doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0011.8213



Original article