Comparison of the results of field vane tests and pocket penetrometer tests as an example of local correlations
geotechnical parameters of soils, undrained shear strength, liquidity index, tills, river mudsAbstract
Field and laboratory tests of soils provide a large amount of data, but most of them are measured parameters, which are converted by various formulas and correlations into parameters used for design. General correlations does not always lead to obtaining compatible values, therefore it is desirable to search for local correlations. This article presents the correlation between the undrained shear strength from the field vane tests (FVT) and the pocket penetrometer for tills in the Tarnów region. On the basis of this correlation, a dependence curve of the unconfined compressive strength measured by pocket penetrometer and the liquidity index was developed. This correlation was then used of river’s clay muds in the Dunajec valley. The high values of the correlation coefficient were obtained. The results confirm the usefulness of the pocket penetrometer as a method of quick determination of the undrained shear strength and liquidity index.
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