Effect of 50 Hz magnetic field on chicken embryo development and course of hatching
chick embryo, extra law frequency magnetic fields, hatch synchronization, embryo development, malformationAbstract
The effect of additional extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic field (50 Hz) on the development of chick embryo was investigated. The experiment was carried out in three variants for induction values 15 μT, 10 μT and 5 μT. Magnetic field (MF) in the experimental incubator was generated by a set of three Helmholtz coils. The following analyses were performed: embryopathological analysis; evaluation of the hatched chicks for quality; analysis of the course and synchronization of hatching. Increased embryo mortality was found between 1 and 6 days of incubation in 15 μT MF and between 18 and 20 days of incubation in 5 μT MF. In each group exposed to MF, the principal stage of hatching was completed earlier. Increased degree of chick hatching synchronization was observed in MF of 5 μT and 10 μT. Hatching results in the control group were higher than in MF exposed groups. Statistically significant (p≤0.05) differences were found for chick malpositions in the groups incubated with exposure to additional MF of 10 μT and 5 μT compared to the control groups.
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