Fuel modification based on some metals compounds and their environmental impact
metals, combustion, pollution, air, solid, additives, coal, petrolAbstract
The history of fuel additive use reflects the interplay between chemistry, technology and public health concerns related to environmental effects. Decisions to use specific type of chemical modification during combustion process have been made in the absence of toxicological data on health and environmental effects or exposure. The influence of these important issues has extended globally, and the effects of various compositions impact for decades after the removal of these compounds. Fuel modifications are widely used for petrol, oil and solid fuels. According to market screening and literature review, additives containing some dangerous compounds are still in used today. Pb(C2H5)4 was used for long time as fuel additive and is still used as an additive in some grades of aviation gasoline, and in some developing countries. It is obvious that additives containing copper, lead and cerium should be replaced by organic substitutes or inorganic oxidizers during combustion processes.
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