Determination of the dynamic viscosity coefficient of the Stokes viscometer – construction of a measuring set in the Physical Laboratory of the State Higher Vocational School in Tarnów
viscosity, Stokes’ Law, density measurements, didactic experimentAbstract
A Stokes viscometer made and launched by the authors in the Physical Laboratory of the State Higher Vocational School in Tarnów was presented. The construction of the viscometer is discussed and the theoretical description of the physical phenomena occurring there is given. The results of measurements on the device, statistical analysis of the measurement uncertainties and confrontation with the literature value are presented - the obtained results correspond very well to the literature values. A possible further development in the accuracy of theoretical description and experimental measurements related to the ellipsoid analysis of the shape of water droplets was suggested. The didactic aspects of the new experiment in the context of the understanding of molecular physics, especially by students of material engineering, were discussed.
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