Why and how we estimate the growth rate of fish?
Practical aspect: Does the preservative size of barbel Barbus barbus is defined properly in Poland?
growth rate of fish, barbel, Barbus barbus, protective size, Einar Lea method, back-calculation methodAbstract
Based on fish scales, we can determine the age of fish, as well as the rate of growth of the individual from birth until the time of capture. The paper presents a method for determining the rate of growth of fish and the example of their practical application to determine the protective size limit of fish, on the example of barbel in Poland. The available data on the growth rate of barbel in Polish rivers, based on 12 field surveys carried out in 1948–2004 was compared. The growth rate of barbel in different habitats is variable. Barbel growth depends on the size of the river and thermal conditions. The results were compared with maturation age of barbel. Protective size limit definited for barbel, which is 40 cm, is correct. All populations of barbel can reproduce at least once before they reach the preservative size. Most of the populations may reproduce at least two or three times.
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