Analysis of swimming flip turn kinematic variables of people with disabilities


  • Andrzej Nosiadek University of Applied Sciences in Tarnow, Faculty of Health Sciences, Polan
  • Barbara Gajer University of Applied Sciences in Tarnów, Faculty of Health Sciences, Poland



kinematic analysis, Kinovea, para-swimming turnaround, swimming flip turn, disability, swimming


Objective: The aim of this study was to attempt to analyse the kinematic variables in the different phases of para-swim turnaround in swimming.

Material and methods: two athletes with disabilities (classes S6 and S14) aged 16 and 21 years were studied. In each subject, three types of somersaults at different speeds to the wall were individually recorded with GOPRO cameras. The videos were processed using Kinovea software.

Results: The phases of the para-swim flip turn were distinguished and the following kinematic variables were analysed: total recurrence time, wall swim speed and rebound speed, distance from the wall, immersion depth and rebound angle. The calculated values of the variables showed individual variation and were related to the type of disability of the athletes.

Conclusions: The pivot phase proper, as the longest part of the para-swimming turnaround, together with the analysis of the variables, allows significant changes to be made in order to reduce the time of the para-swimming turnaround. The defined variables and their interrelationships significantly affect the execution of the turnaround. The angle of rebound and the speed of the athlete's rebound from the wall significantly determine the subsequent course and efficiency of the turnaround. The individualised analysis of the kinematic variables makes it possible to observe the overloads occurring during the para-swimming turnaround and thus enable immediate correction and minimise the risk of negative effects of intensive swimming training.


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How to Cite

Nosiadek, A., & Gajer, B. (2023). Analysis of swimming flip turn kinematic variables of people with disabilities. Health Promotion & Physical Activity, 21(4), 27–37.



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