Differentiation of the somatic structure and the level of motor potential of athletes in mixed martial arts (MMA) and Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) sections
martial arts, somatic structure, motor potentialAbstract
The aim of the research was to assess the differentiation of the body structure and the level of motor potential of the athletes practising different disciplines in the field of combat sports in Legion Team Sports Club in Tarnów. The athletes, aged 19-20, with training experience of 3-5 years, were compared in two groups. The first group consisted of athletes practising mixed martial arts, so called MMA, and the other group, of athletes practising Brazilian ju-jitsu, so called BJJ. 30 practitioners were examined. The basic elements of the somatic structure, i.e. body height, body weight, body fat content and BMI were measured and BMI indexes were calculated. Selected manifestations of motor potential were also measured: static balance, plain reaction time to a visual stimulus, trunk flexibility, static strength of forearms, relative strength, explosive strength of lower limbs, MAW, muscle activation speed and resistance of abdominal muscles to fatigue as anaerobic strength. In the course of the analyses it was found that: the body structure of the athletes training in different combat sports sections does not significantly differentiate them. The athletes in both (BJJ and MMA) sections displayed a similar level of the basic somatic build. The level of motor skills in the BJJ and MMA sections significantly differentiated the athletes in these sections in terms of static strength (p = 0.045), relative strength (p = 0.044) and fatigue resistance, i.e. anaerobic strength (p = 0.002). The higher level of these elements of motor skills was demonstrated by the BJJ section athletes.
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