The analysis of hospital-acquired urinary tract infections. A 10 year longitudinal study in Małopolska (the Lesser Poland province)
internal medicine department, hospital-acquired infections, healthcare associated infections, urinary tract infections, E. coli, P. aeruginosaAbstract
Introduction: Hospital-acquired infections are one of the most serious health threats during a patient’s stay in hospital, including healthcare associated infections (HAI). The most typical form of hospital-acquired infections is urinary tract infection (UTI).
Objective: To examine the frequency of appearing UTIs, the structure of UTIs in in-patients in the department of internal medicine and nephrology at Saint Lucas’s general hospital in Tarnów was analysed.
Materials and methods: Data analysis of 13 965 in-patients staying in the department of internal medicine and nephrology from 2006 to 2015 was carried out. To investigate these data epidemiological methods and standard definitions of hospital- acquired infections issued by European Center for Disease Prevention as well as Control and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were used.
Results: 237 hospital-acquired UTIs were revealed, which is 33% of all UTIs revealed in the investigated ward. The UTI incidence rate was 1.7% including 1.5% for microbiologically confirmed symptomatic UTIs and 0.2% not microbiologically confirmed symptomatic UTIs. The incidence density rate per 1 000 person-days was 0.2 over 1 000. The number of revealed catheter-related cases was 168, and not catheter-related cases – 69. The incidence density rate of UTIs associated with urinary catheters was 3.3 per 1 000 person-days. The dominant etiological factors, which were taken to be detected from the infected patients’ specimens, were: Escherichia coli 63 (29%), Enterococcus spp. 37(16%), Klebsiella spp. 23 (11%).
Conclusions: A 10 year observation of UTIs, which have appeared in the department of internal medicine and nephrology, allowed to conduct the accurate analysis of these infections. The comparison of urinary tract infection rates done in the investigated ward, and recorded in the Research Participation Programs at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), allows to draw the conclusion that the presented epidemiological situation does not differ significantly from other countries.
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