APEKS — a method of decision making





APEKS, metody podejmowania decyzji, metoda APEKS


The APEKS method was developed in the 1970s. It has a wide range of applications for making a decision. The article describes the APEKS method, which is a multi-criteria method and consists of 10 steps. The application of this method was presented in the example of car selection. The problem of choosing a passenger car was analyzed taking into account 6 evaluation criteria: fuel consumption, power, price, annual operating costs, aesthetic values, and utility values. Following the APEKS method, the analysis was completed with the selection of the best variant, using the forced decision method, consisting of an individual comparison of all criteria with one another. The APEKS variant is used for this, which has all the best features of the variants to choose from. This indicates that APEKS is an idealized and fictional variant.


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How to Cite

Szybka, J., & Pabian, S. (2021). APEKS — a method of decision making. Science, Technology and Innovation, 12(1), 45–50. https://doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0015.3310



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