Mobile image processing system based on the Raspberry Pi 4 platform
digital image processing, two-dimensional fast Fournier transform, OpenCV library, window application, vision systemAbstract
The article presents an image processing system based on the Raspberry Pi (RPi) platform. At the beginning of the article, the basic assumptions and purpose of the system are discussed. The following section presents the structure and operation of the system. The window application managing the system and allowing to perform contextual and spectral transformations on images as well as the measurement of parameters such as image processing time and mean square error (MSE) was discussed. The transformations performed were based both on ready formulas contained in the OpenCV library and the author’s implementations, including the function implementing the Fast Fourier Transform algorithm radix-2. Examples of transformations were presented along with their usefulness. In the end, the development potential of the created system is presented and its application in specific solutions is proposed.
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