ANSDM converters dynamic range design process
1-bit Delta Modulation (DM), Adaptive Delta Modulation (ADM), Non-Uniform Sampling Delta Modulation (NSDM), SNR, Adaptive Non-Uniform Sampling Delta Modulation (ANSDM), Dynamic Range (DR), Lambert W function, sampling interval, Maple by MaplesoftAbstract
The results of analytic and simulating works proved that for nonstationary sources, the delta converters with adaptive sampling expose higher coding efficiency than the former proposals, based on uniform sampling methods. The knowledge of the sampling interval range and the algorithm of the Nonuniform Sampling Delta Modulation and Adaptive Nonuniform Sampling Delta Modulation allows finding the necessary number of the sampling intervals and their values that maximizes SNR. The total dynamic range of the ANSDM modulator is the product of the dynamic range both from sampling interval and step size adaptation. Due to the high complexity of the calculations, the ANSDMsoft program was developed to support computing. All computational works were carried out using the Maple environment. Maple allows to solve complex mathematical functions and display their results in a simple way. Most importantly, it supports the LambertW function, used in the computing of NSDM or ANSDM modulators parameters. Graphic illustrations of the NSDM and ANSDM modulator dynamic range as a function of the minimum and maximum sampling frequency are presented.
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