State estimators and observers for continuous and discrete linear systems
Part 2. Integral observers for exact state reconstruction
exact state observers, linear systems, state observers with minimal normAbstract
In the paper, the exact state observers will be presented. The state estimators and observers can be used in technical processes for many purposes like the fault detection and diagnosis, the implementation of the state controllers, and soft reconstruction of inaccessible for measurements variables of the system. As the standard, for continuous systems the differential estimators of Kalman filter or Luenberger type observer are commonly used. However, if the initial conditions of the real state are unknown, both estimators guarantee only an asymptotic quality of the real state tracking. The paper presents another type of the state observers, which for continuous system have the structure given by two integral operators. Based on measurements of the system input and output signals on some predefined finite time interval T, they can reconstruct the initial state exactly. In on-line version, the exact state reconstruction is performed continuously for every t, based on special procedure executed within two moving windows of width T, on sliding time interval [t-T, t].
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