State Higher Vocational School Weather Station in Tarnów
In 2015 the State Higher Vocational School in Tarnów (PWSZ), under the Norwegian Project implemented in the Department of Environmental Protection, purchased and set in motion semi-professional automatic weather station DAVIS Vantage Pro2. The station measures basic meteorological elements e.g. air temperature, wind speed and direction or solar radiation. The logged data are intended for teaching at the School, including the specialization of environmental protection. Comparison of the data acquired at the PWSZ station and at the synoptic station of Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMGW) allowed the evaluation of the correlation of the measurement series of both stations. Furthermore it allowed for the initial analysis of the urban heat island (MWC) as one of the aspects of the local climate. There are confirmed typical thermal marks of the urban heat island during favourable weather conditions with radiation cooling at night. Especially during cloudless and windless radiation night, the air cools down more at the rural areas, and this favours the occurrence of the urban heat island phenomenon. The urban – rural thermal contrasts are then the greatest, up to 3°C. In the daytime difference between the centre and the outskirts of the city is quite small (under 1°C), so generally the urban heat island doesn’t occur during the day.
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