Quality of life of people with capillary malformation of port wine stain (PWS)
quality of life, PWS, capillary malformation, vascular malformationsAbstract
Aims: The aims of this work were to analyze and assess the quality of life of people with capillary malformation as well as to check if they experience mental and social problems in everyday life.
Materials and methods: A diagnostic survey, a questionnaire prepared for this particular study, was used as a data collection method. The sample consisted of 10 people, both men and women, aged 19-56. The participants were all suffering from port-wine stain.
Results: The results showed that 90% of the respondents (9 people) believed that because of capillary malformation their lives are different comparing to those of healthy people. 60% (6 people) did not come to terms with the affliction and 80% (8 people) had an impression of being different, meaning worse, because of the skin marks. 90% admitted that PWS contributed to their depressive state. 80% declared having problems with establishing new contacts. 50% believed finding a job was negatively influenced by the disease and their different look. 40% claimed to have a lower self-esteem because of port-wine stains.
Conlusions: The study provided evidence to a claim that people with capillary malformation may experience both mental and social problems. Thus, psychological care is crucial for people with PWS. Furthermore, laser therapy should be introduced among children as it would diminish their chances of having such problems in the future. As far as environment is concerned, there should be an educational program established which would act against marginalization of those suffering from not only capillary malformation but also other types of diseases causing skin changes. Moreover, such programs could help to build positive attitudes towards those people.
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