The goals and objectives of current physical education. The opinions of teachers from the south-west region of Poland
physical education, goals and objectives, hierarchy, teachersAbstract
The aim of this study was to get to know physical education teachers’ opinion about the objectives of an education school subject. Their opinions were analysed on the basis of goals hierarchy given by the respondents. Research included 444 PE teachers in primary schools (the second stage of education), middle schools and secondary schools. Research covered the south-west regions of Poland including the following provinces: Silesia, Opole province and Lower Silesia. Diagnostic survey using questionnaires was applied. In the survey as a research tool the questionnaire created by the European Physical Society was used. On the basis of the outcomes it was claimed that the highest place in goals hierarchy takes the goal concerning the preparation of school students to an active and healthy lifestyle. In a group of questioned teachers no gender difference in goals hierarchy was noted. Among variables taken into account in the analysis of teachers’ opinions the place of work (primary school, middle school and secondary school) greatly determined variation between different goals hierarchy. A statistically significant difference appeared between six objectives of physical education.
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