The importance of support and forms of kinesiotherapeutic activity of family members of persons affected by Parkinson’s disease
Parkinson’s disease, kinesiotherapy, family, supportAbstract
Parkinson’s disease is a chronic and progressive degenerative disease of the central nervous system. The disorder is classified as extra pyramidal system diseases. In order to improve the patient’s condition and increase the level of quality of life, pharmacological treatment and rehabilitation are used to eliminate progressive disability. The help of the surrounding environment affects not only the course of the disease, but above all the emotional well-being of the patient. Family support and its participation in the whole therapeutic process greatly optimize its results. The aim of this work is to present the most important issues regarding kinesiotherapy in Parkinson’s disease and to demonstrate the impact of the involvement of the whole family system on the course and results of therapy. Kinesiotherapy as an element of treatment plays a very important role in the process of improving and adapting the patient to perform daily nursing activities. Kinesiotherapeutic treatments have not only a significant impact on the symptoms occurring in the course of the disease, but also on the overall health. The individual selection of therapy and the involvement of the entire team of therapists is extremely important in eliminating both movement and extrinsic symptoms. The correct implementation of the physiotherapist’s recommendations, the patient’s involvement, as well as the active participation of the patient’s environment, is a condition for the effectiveness of the entire process of maintaining health and fitness. Kinesiotherapy prevents permanent disability and helps maintain the longest possible independence and good quality of life. The involvement of the entire family support system has an impact on the results of the therapy.
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