Therapeutic effect of systemic cryostimulation
cryotherapy, cold therapy, cryogenic chamberAbstract
Whole body cryotherapy (WBC) involves exposing individuals to extremely cold dry air (under -100 °C) for a period ranging from 1.5 to 3 minutes. The treatment is painless and is intended to produce and use physiological reaction, which is medically beneficial and effective in restoring normal body functions. Whole body cryotherapy provides various benefits such as: analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, decreases muscle soreness, improves muscle strength and joint function, boosts blood circulation. It also causes a hormonal reaction, growth of ACTH, cortisol, beta-endorphin and testosterone. Cryotherapy is not only used as a way of treatment but also as a part of wellness and spa. WBC is used prophylactically to improve physical comfort and mental health. It is necessary to use kinesis immediately after cryotherapy to achieve its desirable affects. Kinesitherapy is a 20 minutes set of exercises performed on machines under the guidance of a physiotherapist. The purpose of kinesitherapy is the restoration of normal motion stereotypes, which will prevent overloads.
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