Health behaviours in young people of secondary schools in Dąbrowa Tarnowska


  • Joanna Sikora Institute of Health Sciences, State Higher Vocational School in Tarnow, Poland
  • Justyna Ryba Institute of Health Sciences, State Higher Vocational School in Tarnow, Poland
  • Dominika Zoldi Institute of Health Sciences, State Higher Vocational School in Tarnow, Poland



health behaviour, youth, lifestyle, stimulants, health


Introduction: The period of adolescence is extremely difficult due to the fact of developmental health issues. The lifestyle of the youth will have an impact on their future life. Among health behaviors the attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle and an unhealthy lifestyle can be distinguished. Healthy lifestyle attitudes concern: proper nutrition, physical activity, coping with stress, appropriate social relationships, taking care of personal hygiene and visiting a GP for preventive examinations. Unhealthy lifestyle attitudes concern: alcohol abuse, smoking cigarettes and psychogenic drug abuse.

Objective: To assess the health behaviors in young people of secondary schools in Dąbrowa Tarnowska.

Materials and methods: The study included 402 secondary school students in Dabrowa Tarnowska, in the Malopolska province. The study was conducted in November 2015. 135 students attended technical schools, 133 secondary schools and 134 basic vocational schools. Our original survey and the standard questionnaire – the Behavioral Health Inventory by Zygfryd Juczyński, were used in this study.

Results: The average number of points obtained by the respondents in the Behavioral Health Inventory questionnaire was 73.06 (SD=11.22) and ranged from 32 to 105 points, so a typical outcome in the study group was between 66 and 80, 75 points. 221 survey participants received a low score in the BHI, 154 average, and 27 high. More than 45% of the respondents assessed their fitness as below average, only 12% of the respondents claimed that they are definitely physically active. 45% of the respondents cared for their proper nutrition from time to time.

Conclusions: W omen d efinitely h ad much better eating habits, preventive health care activities and health care services in comparison to men. Students attending secondary schools had better eating habits than students from basic vocational schools. People with an excessive body weight presented significantly worse eating habits, worse preventive health behaviuors and health care services than those with the weight within normal limits.


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How to Cite

Sikora, J., Ryba, J., & Zoldi, D. (2017). Health behaviours in young people of secondary schools in Dąbrowa Tarnowska. Health Promotion & Physical Activity, 2(3), 121–132.