Non-pharmacological treatment of lower extremity varicose veins in patients who are not classified for surgical treatment
varicose veins, non-pharmacological treatmentAbstract
The purpose of this study is to discuss non-pharmacological methods of lower limb varices treatment for patients not qualified for surgical procedures. These methods can be used by both nurses and patients. There are the following types of varices treatment: interventional treatment, compression therapy and other non-pharmacological methods. Surgery is a traditional method of treatment, however it is not suitable for lower limb arterial ischemia, deep vein patency, haemorrhagic diathesis, deep vein thrombosis, acute infectious disease, pregnancy and class I obesity (BMI>29). In the abovementioned cases the following types of non-invasive treatment are recommended: compression therapy and other such non-pharmacological methods as; limb elevation, diet, hardening of the arteries in the affected limb, proper footwear selection and physical activity. Despite the degree of severity of the condition and undertaken surgical procedures the preventive medical treatment should be considered in the therapy as it (the therapy) significantly affects the further development of varicose veins and the severity of ailments related to the disease. Results of a number of studies confirm the importance of the integrity between pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment.
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