High Tone Power therapy in the treatment of pain in the cervical spine
High Tone Power massage, cervical spine, spine mobilisation exercisesAbstract
Aim of the study: The purpose of this study was to analyse therapeutic effects of massage using the High Tone Power Therapy for pain relief in the cervical spine.
Materials and methods: The study included a group of 40 patients aged from 34 to 55 years. All of them had received medical treatment of massage using the High Tone Power Therapy. During their therapy each patient was treated 6 times for 30 minutes. Treatments were twice a week. 100% of the examined persons completed their therapy. Everyone examined had their range of spine motion measured before and after the therapy, and they were asked to assess the intensity of their pain.
Results: The application of the High Tone Power massage proved to be a very effective treatment which improved the extent of cervical spine mobility in a significant way. On examination in every possible movement an increased extent of mobility was observed. A significant alleviation of spinal pain was noticed by the remaining 32 participants. 25% of all patients were totally free of headache, and the rest felt a considerable pain relief, from 6.57 points to 4 points. Dizziness disappeared in the case of 30% of the examined patients. The therapy did not make any improvement 8 of the patients examined.
Conclusions: High Tone Power massage treatment improved the range of spineal motion as well as the analgesic activity at the majority of examined patients. The presented report should be treated as a preliminary test, requiring further studies in a larger number of patients using a comparative group.
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